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SafePQQ Verification

At Sussex Transport we’re dedicated to creating a safe working environment, not just for our team, but for customers and the general public too. As part of that, we continue to work with Alcumus and the SafeContractor scheme. We’ve written about our experience becoming a SafeContractor here

As of June we’re pleased to confirm that as part of our ongoing work that enables us to be a SafeContractor accredited business we’re now SafePQQ accredited as well! 



PQQs are Pre-Qualification Questionnaires that assess contractor’s, such as us, capability as part of a client’s tender process. Being SafePQQ ready and approveed allows us to prove to our clients that we take issues such as health and safety, the right to work, the environment, and many more very seriously. It also allows us, and our clients the ability to skip over all the tedious, but necessary processes of filling our forms and questionnaires.

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So if you are looking for a transport, haulage, warehousing, freight, or lifting partner who is SafePQQ ready then you are in the right place.

Get in touch with our team today on 0800 915 2323, 01903 751100, or by completing our enquiry form.