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Sussex Transport Cycle Safety

Every year in the UK around 19,000 cyclists are killed or injured in reported road accidents.

  •  Around 75% of fatal or serious cyclist accidents occur in urban areas
  • Around half of cyclist fatalities occur on rural roads
  • 75% happen at, or near, a road junction
  • 80% occur in daylight
  • 80% of cyclist casualties are male
  • Almost one quarter of the cyclists killed or injured are children
  • Around three quarters of cyclists killed have major head injuries.

These statistics are frightening – and as an employer of over 25 HGV drivers – we are very aware that it is our responsibility to prepare our staff with as much knowledge and training as possible.  We have equipped our vehicles with extra mirrors, cameras, guards and alarms …and by the middle of June all of our drivers will have attended a ”Safe Urban Driving’’ course .


This course focuses on driving in London in a way that lowers the risk to vulnerable road users, including cyclists. It’s the first accredited course in the UK to include practical, on-road cycle training for drivers. It counts towards the 35 hours of Driver CPC training that professional lorry drivers need to complete.

The course consists of two 3.5 hour modules, one classroom-based and one practical module where drivers can get on bikes for a cyclist’s view of the road.

More information can be found here

All of our drivers have found the course to be beneficial and interesting – and potentially their day in London has saved lives!

For more information on Sussex Transport  please feel free to visit our website or call our team of transport planners on 01903 751100 (general haulage)  or 01903 791305 (Artic division ) we’d be happy to chat through your enquiry.