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Recycling Champions: Bottle Tops Query

We are aware that a transport company who run big trucks talking about being green might sound a bit odd, but we really do push hard to ensure all parts of our business strive to deliver sustainability gains wherever possible.  A greener fleet, decreased energy usage, greener suppliers, driver monitoring, efficient driving rewards, plus an awful lot more, do add to our increasingly important green credentials.

This post however is to answer a question we know gets asked a lot and to give a shout out to our local council, our business park (and the other wonderful businesses on it) who take part in our collective recycling program.

After another successful collection from our site this week, we wanted to raise a little more awareness of the team that takes away and recycles a lot of our commercial waste.  So we spoke to Shirley Ely – Senior Commercial Waste Co-ordinator at Adur & Worthing Councils.  Initially to pass on our gratitude for the work, the clean vehicles, professional crew, and the prompt and timely service.  But also to understand the grand plan, and ask one question that has caused some interesting debates in our offices.  Can we recycle bottle tops in the normal plastic recycling bin?  

Shirley confirmed the following. “Adur & Worthing Councils are committed to tackling climate change and protecting our natural environments, with an aim to become carbon neutral by 2030.

One of the goals in the plan is to increase our recycling rate. Adur & Worthing Councils collect two types of recycling: Paper and Cardboard (Business Waste Only) and Mixed Recycling.”

Shirley commended the businesses in and around us who are part of the Lancing BID. A Levy that pays for a weekly collection of paper and cardboard for businesses on the Lancing Business Park. This reduces the amount of general waste that is disposed of substantially. Sussex Transport proudly participates in the scheme which ensures that there are around 100 wheelie bins around the business park, and on average those are filled with 6 tonnes of cardboard a week.

Mixed recycling is offered to businesses within the Adur & Worthing areas on a weekly basis and domestic properties have alternate weekly collections.

The mixed recycling collected is delivered to a Materials Recycling Facaility (MRF) in Ford where it is sorted and separated, ready to be turned into new goods and products.

We’re proud to be part of the Lancing BID, contribute to the Levy, and to have our business headquarters based in the locality.

oh… and the question about bottle tops. At the time of writing (May 2021) the answer is still to “remove your lids and place in the standard rubbish”.

Find out why removing those tops is important, along with some other important information by downloading the following two guides from the Recycling team at Adur & Worthing.

Adur & Worthing Recycling materials List

Adur & Worthing Recycling Questions