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Shipping Container Moving Experts

Sussex Transport on 0800 915 2323 move shipping containers and cabins every day! With a capable team of skilled drivers and a fleet of modern HIAB and Palfinger on-boards cranes, container lifts is a staple of the work we do!



There is a company in the US who design old shipping containers to be affordable, high quality homes that last a lifetime…

This company realised that in some parts of the country,normal houses and traditional materials can’t stand up to global warming and the new storms that will come with it, and they wanted to make something that could stand the test of time.

Shipping containers can withstand a lot of force. The average shipping container is rated to carry 67,000 pounds, and can withstand eight other fully-loaded shipping containers resting on top of it. That’s about 376 tons per square inch.

The floor of many shipping containers is made out of hardwoods and once sanded and varnished can produced a rich, beautiful colour that would typically cost thousands!

The thought of living in a big rectangular box may not seem all that appealing, but a shipping container home typically isn’t just one long room. Walls are cut out and then several containers are welded together for larger rooms.


As long as the welds are good, the containers remain tightly sealed, nearly doubling the energy efficiency when compared with a traditional wood frame house.

A welded shipping container home only takes around two months to complete!

Sussex Transport would be only too happy to assist you if you are thinking of creating your own Container Home.  Our fleet of HIAB’s are familiar with loading and moving container cabins as part of their day to day work!