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Susse transport logo
Integral UK Industry Partner

The clothes you wear, essential medicines and food you eat are all made possible through the haulage business. Lorry transport serves the world every day – it’s such a familiar sight that we often take it for granted. But imagine if the lorries stopped delivering…

Let’s consider how that might impact our lives in the first five days…

Day 1 – milk and fresh bread would run out, hospitals would run out of clean linen and begin to delay treatments, and individuals and businesses would not receive letters or packages.

Day 2 – pharmacies would close – based on short supply. Restaurants would also run low on supplies, and grocery stores would no longer have fresh produce.

Day 3 – hotels could not provide clean sheets, restaurants would offer severely limited menus, public transportation would decline due to gas shortages, and school lunch options would run low.

Day 4 – rubbish would pile up in the streets, newspapers would stop being produced,  and petrol stations would have no fuel.

Day 5 – all industrial production would stop. There would also be no bottled drinking water available.

Just 5 days …

Sussex Transport are proud to be part of the integral part of the logistics industry and are committed to maintaining high standards in this essential business we call haulage!

For your next collection/delivery/lifting requirement/storage need – why not call us for a no obligation quote on 01903 751100 or email
